Kurilian bobtail cat has a body that looks somewhat rounded, and short tail feathers, and curved. Its appearance looks similar to the Japanese Bobtail cat. Only Japanese Bobtail cat tend to be slimmer. However, to rely more specifics, please see it directly on the image above.
Cats of this type also has another name, namely the Kuril Islands Bobtail, Kuril Bobtail, Curilsk or Kuril Bobtail. Sometimes also called Kurilean.
Cats Kurilian is a race that is formed and evolve naturally. Known, they already exist in the native island since about 200 years ago. And now the cat is quite popular as pets in Russia and several European countries.
Cats of this type are maintained mainly because of their ability to hunt rodents that can be relied upon. Their ability has been used since the mid-20th century ago. But since 2011, the cats of this type is fairly rare in the North America region.
Cats of this type has been recognized by The International Cat Association (TICA) as short and hairy hairy race semi-longhair. And since November 2011, purebred cat is already getting a status of "championship". So it may be included in the championship. In the same month the Cat Fanciers Association (CFA) has also acknowledged the existence of this kuing race.
In the wild, these cats including hunters and fishermen are clever. It is also clear that this Kurilian cats are not afraid of water. In addition, residents in Kunashir say that the bear would be running scared at the sight of a cat of this type.
Kurilian bobtail cat comes in all colors except colorpoint and solid. However, the most umu encountered is red to gray degan short tail is striped.
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