Have you ever seen a cat falls from a height but not to die or get hurt at all? Even the cat landed smoothly like doing acrobatics. Do you know penyebap why did this happen?
Cat is an animal that is so special, because it has a system of balance and coordination in the body which is pretty awesome. This is the reason why the cat was not dead or injured when falling from a height. Advantages of cats that can determine the position of the body when fallen, although the fall in the inverted position, the cat will be turned around and facing down her legs for landing.
On landing too, the position of the foot is not only facing down and stretch origin, but there are some other things that make it not hurt. Unlike in humans, while falling from a height even though the position of feet below, would be injured or even broken due to the weight of the body during a fall.
Cats including intelligent animal, because after twisting body and positioning the feet down while falling from a height, the next leg is stretched to the wind restrained him while falling. As well as when it hits the ground, legs bent so that the cat instantly minimize the occurrence of injuries and pain during a fall from a height.
In fact, there is information that says the record high was recorded when cats fall at a height of 46 floors. Cats can get up although slightly limping, was amazing is not it? If that is experienced by humans, probably already dead in the place.
There is some research that suggests that, when the cat fell from a height then the less broken bones. This was stated on the 5th floor limit alone, more than likely it can hurt a cat experiencing increasingly minimal because more relaxed.
Secret cat falls at height but not dead or injured because of advantages determine the maximum falling speed reaches 60 miles per hour. The laws of physics, when the cat fell on tall buildings, it will be more comfortable and relaxed. Beginning stretch their legs like footpads and body relaxed. This causes the effect of falling is not so fatal, or cause death
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