Let your attention, when cats fall from high places he will immediately turned around and can land smoothly without injury. This happens because the cat is one of the animals pick the system of balance and coordination were outstanding.
His expertise in menjada balance makes a cat, when it falls, will realize in what position when he fell. If it falls in an inverted position, he will soon be turned so that his feet are on the bottom, and prepare for landing. The trick landed well with a special technique, he will stretch his legs and twisted k ebawah so the wind will resist falling body. And when in contact with the ground, legs bent so discouraging effect immediately fall. In contrast to humans, if it falls from high places by foot down, it would have suffered an injury break.
The highest record ever recorded that the cat had fallen from a height of 46 floors and still be up and running with a somewhat limping. Extraordinary! However, research shows that the higher the cat falls, the more broken bones. Kusing minimum limit that is safe while falling from a height of 5 floors, more than the number of bones broken cat dropped dramatically.
Balance is the secret, the cat has a terminal velocity, ie the maximum falling speed reached 60 miles / hour. When cats fall, according to the laws of physics, the speed falls cat grew older. When the speed of falling cat reaches terminal velocity, at which point the cat feel most relaxed and comfortable. Then he began to stretch his legs like footpads to reduce the effects of the fall. That's why the higher the cat falls, the more there is the opportunity for the cat feel relaxed. And if a cat falls from a low place, she did not have time to feel relaxed, so the fall is more pronounced.
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