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Thursday, March 17, 2016

Causes and How to Solve Cat meowing Continues

Cats meow is one way to communicate but if meowing constantly have different meanings. For catlovers should know the cause of a cat meowing continued in order to know the desires and feelings experienced by puss.

Apila you who do not know why the cat meowing excessively, we will discuss it this time. Here are some of the causes and how to treat cat meowing continued. Let's refer to his review further.

Causes Cats meowing Continuous

Adaptation to the New Environment
One way to communicate that to the cat meowing, cats meowing why continue? Usually the puss was adaptation to the new place he lived. Usually this happens when you have just adopted it and the cat was unfamiliar.
Want To Quit Cages
When your cat was meowing constantly, usually the puss is in the cage and will issue a voice or meowing constantly. Cats do it is his way of telling the owner or the man so removed from the cage because the cat was bored and can not be free.

expressing grief
Cat meowing also issued a voice or signify about the feeling or mood that is sad. Why do cats meow continues, the possibility of sad because the cat wanted to play with his employer or are in cages constantly so bored.

Searching employer or owner
Cats secrete vote or meowing constantly have a cause. One of them that want to find the owner or employer. This is done by cats so spoiled or more noticed that the puss mewed continuously. You can fix this by giving him a little caress the body of a cat.

Looking son
If your cat already has a child, usually the mother meowing when searching or calling her. If the mother cat did not find his son, the puss will mewed continuously and can make you annoyed. Mother cat often meowing because he wanted his son was nearby.

want to Marry
Cause or any other reason meowing cat is in the mating season or lust. The intensity of meowing cats more often than usual and will make you feel disturbed. This shows that your pet cat or other cats call partner to be invited to mating.

After learning some of the causes and how to treat a cat meowing constantly, it can be concluded that the cat meowing have a cause. Therefore, for the catlovers must know the desires of their pets and more attention to it.

Causes and How to Solve Cat meowing Continues Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: MrJay


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