Giving medicine worms in pets is very important to prevent worm infections. Unfortunately, many cat owners are less aware if the beloved pet has been infected with worms to look their clinical symptoms. Prevention is very important, because even though the clean environmental conditions do not guarantee a pet free of worm infections. Animals can be infected with worms from tick bites, mosquito bites or contact with another infected animal.
Giving medicine worms in cats can be started at the age of 3 weeks for prenatal infection does not occur in cats. Giving further repeated at ages 5, 7, and 9 weeks, then every 3 months prevention. Some worm medicine works to kill the adult worms, but it needs to be repeated to kill the worm eggs can not be turned off by the earlier worm medicine, which is in its cycle has hatch into adult worms. Recommended treatment schedule since the age of 2 weeks aim to kill all the roundworm.
Worm infestation is sometimes easier to see. Cat will vomit worms live in poor roundworm infestations. If not, you may see the worms in the stool, or not at all. Tapeworm segments can be seen at the rear end of a cat near the rectum or in his bed. This worm looks pale as a small seed when dried. If emerging in the rectum, the owner may see the segment move. Hookworms are not easily visible as roundworm or tapeworm. Cat owners should suspect hookworm infestations in cats lethargic with dull hair. Therefore, to diagnose the type of worm and worm proper medication that infect pets, should be taken to the vet.
Tapeworms are parasites are very common in cats. This worm is most commonly transmitted by fleas, these parasites also be transmitted to humans who consumed infected ticks. This worm will die with worm medication praziquantel group. Some medicines treat only certain types of worms, such as tapeworms or roundworms, while others treat several types at once.
In addition to the administration of anthelmintic, an annual stool examination should also be performed. Pet owners should be careful in giving worming medicine itself, as worming tablets can be very toxic to your pet animal liver. You should provide as directed and always consult a veterinarian you trust.
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