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Saturday, March 5, 2016

History About Cats Egyptian

Egyptian Mau is the oldest domestic cat breed has ever seen. Mau cat believed to be a derivative of the African Wild Cat (Felis lybica ocreata). Ras domestication process is expected around the year 4000 s / d 2000 BC (BCE).

The ancient Egyptians often use this to find the cat and bird hunting. Every so often seen on the temple wall carvings depicting Mau cat was hunting in a swamp area and biting a bird in its mouth. The oldest pictorial hieroglyphs cat was made around the year 2200 BC.

Around 2000 BC, Cat Wants to many play a role in ancient Egyptian culture. This cat was worshiped as a god that affects almost all aspects of society at that time. There are about 20 gods and goddesses in the form of a cat. At this time, many myths and curses associated with cats.

The cats were dead at the time of the foundation of the mummy was buried. The owner family, shaved eyebrows as a sign of mourning. Another interesting thing from this time, namely the death penalty for someone who hurt the cat.

During the Second World War, Ras Mau endangered. Then the race was saved by an exiled Russian princess named Nathalie Troubetskoy. When it was in Italy, he gained a cat Mau of a small child. The little boy got it from a diplomat. Troubetskoy trying to know more about these cats and then determined mengembangbiakkannya. Many of the Egyptian Mau cat that exist today are the descendants of the cats Troubetskoy.

Egyptian Mau first appeared on the cat show in the US in 1957. Around 1979 CFA recognizes the existence of this race.

Egyptian Mau is the fastest domestic cat, capable of running at speeds of 36 mph (58 km / hr). Other races to run fast as well is the American Shorthair which is capable of running at speeds of 31 mph (50 km / hr). Egyptian Mau cat is very strong when compared to other cats that size.

Arguably, this is a miniature cheetah cats. Such as Cheetah, Mau has long hind legs and thin and supple skin around the abdomen and hind legs. This causes the legs can stretch further when running.

Egyptian Mau cats are considered to be the ancestor of the present. Some forms of anatomy, behavior and metabolism system is different from other cat breed. Want sensitive to temperature changes. Their body temperature is higher than other cats. They are also very sensitive to the drug and other medicines.

Generally cats gestation period ranges from 59-70 days. Rarely cats were pregnant for 70 days. Lainhalnya with Egyptian Mau, 73 days still considered normal.

Mau cat has a unique sound. Sometimes they sound similar meowing sounds of the crickets or the cackling like a hyena. Another interesting behavior is when they're happy. They move back leg up and down like dancing.

Egyptian Mau is very rarely pure. It is estimated there are about 3000 head Mau registered throughout the world.

Egyptian Mau There are five colors, namely silver, smoke, bronze, black and pewter (dark gray). For the purposes of cat show, only the first three recognized colors. All cats must have a pure Mau eye color green.

History About Cats Egyptian Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: MrJay


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